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大震災チャリティーフォーラム@桜ケ丘:Earthquake Charity Forum @Sakuragaoka [イベント情報]

大震災チャリティーフォーラム@桜ケ丘:Earthquake Charity Forum @Sakuragaoka

日時:2011年3月27日(日)13:00-15:00, March 27, 2011
Japan University of Economics-Tokyo Shibuya Campus
東北関東大震災チャリティーフォーラム:Tohoku-Kanto Earthquake Charity Forum
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Mr. Sato (NPO Sakura Ikuju) and Japan Red Cross Representative
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Chairman of NPO Sakura Ikuju and Head of Shibuya Ward
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Mr. Ishihara and Mr. Iwahashi (Daikanyama Suteki RI)
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Q&A and Information Exchange among Participants110327Si9.jpg 110327Sj9.jpg
Charity Concert at Party (Artist Group from Fukushima)
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代官山ステキセミナー&パーティ:Daikanyama Suteki Seminar & Party [イベント情報]

代官山ステキセミナー&パーティ:Daikanyama Suteki Seminar & Party

総会、セミナーおよび懇親会:General Meetings, Seminar & Party
日時:6月25日18:20-21:20: June 25, 2010
場所:代官山ヒルサイド・アネックスB棟2F:Daikanyama Hillside Annex B
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Prof. Hitomi Kato's Seminar Summary:
"Daikanyama Facing the Decade-Old Challenge in Urban Planning:
Towards Community-Initiated Growth Management"
As cities are entering the era of mature society in the 21st century, various urban planning measures are beginning to show "institutional fatigue" with rather destructive effects on the urban environment and landscape. At the same time, communication among community members are becoming more difficult, as the diversity and anonimity of members are increasing over time.
While some studies have been done on the recent trend of abrupt changes in urban structure and society as well as the possibility of community-initiated growth management to deal with such a trend, no clear results are yet to be obtained regading the future visions of urban space and landscape, partly due to vertical divisions among various disciplines such as architecture, urban planning, laws and regulations, etc.
Community development and urban planning in the 21st century should be to create urban space for human happiness with architechure full of dreams, where human relations design and area management are vitally important. In other words, cities should be of human scale with attractive space embracing mixed land use and balancing urban development and the surrounding enviornment. This is especially the case with communities like Daikanyama.
Hitomi Kato, Yuki Iwai and Yoshiaki Edwin Noro "A study of the realities on growth management by community in land use mixture of dcity areas -- a case of Daikanyama area"
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第5回フォーラム代官山:Forum Daikanyama V [イベント情報]

第5回フォーラム代官山:Forum Daikanyama V
Theme: "Town Management Reconsidered"

4月30日ヒルサイド・プラザホールにて:4/30/10@Hillside Plaza Hall

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1)第5回フォーラム代官山は、「タウンマネージメント再考」というテーマで、「GreenWeek 代官山春花祭2010」(5月1日ー5日)の前夜祭として、4月30日(6:30-9:00pm)にヒルサイドプラザホールで開催されました。オーガナイザーは、代官山ステキ総研で、同総研理事で総合司会の元倉眞琴氏の紹介の後、同総研理事長の岩橋謹次氏がフォーラム開会の挨拶を行いました。

Forum Daikanyama V: Summary
1) Forum Daikanyama V, focusing on "Town Management Reconsidered," was held at Hillside Plaza Hall on April 30, 6:30-9:00pm, in the eve of GWD (GreenWeekDaikanyama: May 1-5, 2010), orgainzed by Daikanyama Suteki Research Institute. Following an introduction by the forum moderator Mr. Makoto Motokura (Daikanyama Suteki Research Institute), Mr. Kinji Iwahashi, Director of Daikanyama Suteki Research Institute, gave a welcoming speech to start the forum.
2) First, Professor Hiroto Kobayashi (Keio University, SFC) delivered a keynote speech on "Town Management; Old and New," emphasizing the concept that each individual member is part of the whole, which in turn consists of its individual members. This is exactly how Ginza's town management is organized, where every business member is involved in managing his or her own town. This approach may be adoped in communities with a high level of interaction and communication like Daikanyama, according to Prof. Kobayashi.
3) Second, Mr. Iwahashi briefly explained the outline of "Green Cultural Crossroads" for Daikanyama's community development, which was presented at the previous forum (see the link for the summary of Forum Daikanyama IV below). Then, Mr. Masaru Sato (Executive Director of Shibuya Sakura Ikuju Club) made a presentation showing a number of photos on sakura blossoms in the Sakuragaoka area adjacent to Daikanyama. He expressed his wish to help develop a nice community for the sake of residents and visitors as well as the natural environment, in line with the spirit of Mr. Iwahashi's concept of "Green Cultural Crossroads for Greate Community Creation."
4) After a short break, Mr. Yoshiaki Tsumoto (Tokyo CCI-Shibuya branch management director) presented some new findings of their survey, this time targeting shop keepers and store managers in Daikanyama on the community value as part of the Daikanyama Brand Power-Up Project conducted by the Tokyo Chamber of Commerce and Industry. Comparing with the previous findings of their web survey on visitors to Daikanyama (see the link below), he has concluded that more communication and efforts are needed to close the gap between business managers and visitors regarding congeniarity and convenience in the Daikanyama community.
5) Finally, a panel discussion regarding "Town Management in Daikanyama" took place with Mr. Kohei Noguchi (Daikanyama Suteki Research Institute) as moderator with the panelists, Prof. Kobayashi, Mr. Iwahashi, Mr. Sato, Mr. Manabu Manome (Tokyo CCI-Shibuya), and Mr. Masaharu Shibata (COLOR Daikanyama). The discussion was focused on how to maintain and advance the Daikanyama brand, which was examined at the previous forum (see the link below), and the consensus was such that good communication among community members, especially dialogue between residents and business people, is essential in developing, maintaining and advancing the community brand.
6) After a closing remark by Mr. Kengo Asakura (Daikanyama Suteki Research Institute), a networking party was held at restaurant COLOR, which seems to be providing a community place for communication and interaction in Daikanyama these days.
References: Forum Daikanyama IV (11/13/2009):
Forum Daikanyama III (5/2/2009):
Forum Daikanyama II (10/12/2008):
Forum Daikanyama I (4/30/2008):
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第4回フォーラム代官山:Forum Daikanyama IV [イベント情報]

第4回フォーラム代官山:Forum Daikanyama IV
Theme: "Daikanyama Web Survey" & "Green Cultural Crossroads"

11月13日ヒルサイド・プラザホールにて:11/13/09@Hillside Plaza Hall
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1) 「代官山Web調査」と「緑の文化十字路」の発表と提案に焦点を当てた「第4回フォーラム代官山」は、共催するTOKYO URBAN LIFE 2009 (11月1日から21日まで)の主要イベントの一つとして、代官山ヒルサイドテラス・プラザホールにて11月13日午後6時半から開催された。総合司会役の元倉眞琴氏による開会宣言の後、まず伴文康代スキ会会長から開会の挨拶があった。なお、代スキ会(代官山ステキなまちづくり協議会)については、その活動が報告されている「代スキ会NEWS」が会場の参加者に配布された。
2) 最初の発表者である湊元良明氏(東京商工会議所渋谷支部事務局長)は、東京商工会議所による「代官山ブランドパワーアップ事業」の一環として実施されたWebアンケート「代官山の地域価値に関する調査」の結果について説明を行った。主要な結果は、代官山に魅力を感じる訪問者は、主に街全体のオシャレな雰囲気や自己実現価値に引きつけられており、それによって交通の不便さや価格の高さなどが克服されているというもの。したがって、代官山は渋谷などとは異なる方向の街づくりを目指すべきというのが、湊元氏の発表の結論であった。
3) 次の発表者である岩橋謹次氏(代官山ステキ総研理事長)は、代官山地域について「緑の文化十字路」(GCC = Green Cultural Crossroads for Great Community Creation)の構想を発表し、配布された絵入りのパンフレット「代官山『緑の文化十字路』構想」を使って詳しい説明を行った。その構想によると、中目黒から代官山へと北にのびる八幡通りと東横線(今後地下化の予定)に沿った南北の縦軸を、緑のタテ軸の「グリーン・モール」として、四季の花咲くモールと空きスペースにおけるフリーマーケットなどの地域活動の場とすること。他方、旧山手通り(旧三田用水跡)と目黒川に沿った中目黒から大橋に至る東西の横軸を、緑のヨコ軸の「オープン・ミュージアム」として、歴史的な建物や敷地などを地域資産として保全と管理を行っていくとする。そして注目される両軸の交点には、GC Center(グリーンコミュニティセンター)という名称の「地域活動支援施設」を設置し、代官山の街づくりのために若者たちやその他の住民たちの知的・創造的な活動をサポートするインキュベーション・センターとしての機能を持たせる構想が説明された。
4) 最後に「代官山座談会」が行われ、野口浩平氏(代官山ステキ総研副理事長)の司会で、小高悦子氏(代官山Marオーナー)、川井隆則氏(代官山アドレス店舗管理事務所・アドレスディセ館長)、馬目学氏(東京商工会議所渋谷支部・代官山スタイル研究会事務局)、石原貞治氏(代官山ステキな街づくり協議会事務局長)および岩橋謹次氏の5人がパネリストとして熱心な議論が展開された。主な焦点は、代官山ブランドを構成するプラスの側面とその将来展望に当てられたが、パネリストや参加者から若干悲観的な見方や批判的な意見も述べられた。それは、代官山をとりまく社会経済的な環境が厳しさを増している現実を反映したものとも解釈できる。

Forum Daikanyama IV: Summary
1) Forum Daikanyama IV was held on November 13 (6:30-9:00pm) as one of the main events of “Tokyo Urban Life 2009" (Nov. 1-21), which cohosted the forum. Following the forum moderator Mr. Makoto Motokura’s opening remark, Mr. Fumiyasu Ban, chairman of Daisukikai gave an opening address, while copies of “Daisukikai News” were distributed among the audience.
2) The first speaker, Mr Yoshiaki Tsumoto (Tokyo CCI-Shibuya branch management director), explained about the main findings of their web survey on the community value of Daikanyama as part of the Daikanyama Brand Power-Up Project conducted by the Tokyo Chamber of Commerce and Industry. One of the key findings is that visitors to Daikanyama tend to be attracted to this community for its atmosphere of sophistication and self-assuring values for them, despite inconvenience in transportation and the high prices of goods and services in this town. Thus, a conclusion of the survey report is that Daikanyama should pursue a different path from a big neighboring town, Shibuya, for community development, according to Mr. Tsumoto.
3) The second speaker Mr. Kinji Iwahashi, director of Daikanyama Suteki Research Institute, proposed the idea of “Green Cultural Crossroads” for Daikanyama’s community development, based on a pamphlet explaining their proposal in a visual fashion. In this proposal, the vertical North-South axis which goes through Daikanyama-Nakameguro along Hachiman Street and the Toyoko line (to go underground) is characterized by the Green Mall with flower gardens and open sites for free markets and other community activities, whereas the horizontal East-West axis which extends from Nakameguro to Ohashi along Old Yamate Avenue (Old Mita Channel) and Meguro River is designated as the Open Museum with important community assets such as many historical buildings and premises. Naturally, the focal point is the intersection of these two axes, where the Green Community Center is to be established as a community incubator to support intellectual and creative activities among young people for Daikanyama’s community development.
4) A panel discussion regarding the future development of the Daikanyama brand took place with moderator Mr. Kohei Noguchi with the panelists, Ms. Etsuko Kotaka (Daikanyama Mar), Mr. Takanori Kawai (Daikanyama 17dixsept), Mr. Manabu Manome (Tokyo CCI-Shibuya), Mr. Sadaharu Ishihara (Daisukikai), and Mr. Kinji Iwahashi. The focus was placed on the positive aspects of Daikanyama community constituting its brand and its future prospects for further developments, mostly from the insider’s viewpoint, although some pessimistic views and critical opinions were expressed during the panel discussion, reflecting recent negative trends in the socio-economic environment surrounding Daikanayama.
More discussions followed after the forum among those who participated in the networking party at a nearby restaurant.
Forum Daikanyama I (5/2/2009):
Forum Daikanyama I (10/12/2008):
Forum Daikanyama II (4/30/2008):
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第3回フォーラム代官山:Forum Daikanyama III [イベント情報]

第3回フォーラム代官山:Forum Daikanyama III
テーマ:代官山ブランド再考:Theme: Reexamination of Daikanyama Brand

5月2日 ヒルサイド・プラザホールにて:5/2/09@Hillside Plaza Hall
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1) GreenWeekDaikanyama春花祭2009(5月2日から6日まで)の主要イベントとして5月2日午後6時から開催された「第3回フォーラム代官山」(共催:第3回フォーラム代官山実行委員会、東京商工会議所渋谷支部、NPO法人代官山ステキ総合研究所、代官山ステキな街づくり協議会および代官山ビジネスネットワーク)では、全体司会役の元倉眞琴氏による開会の後、まず伴文康春花祭2009実行委員長から開会の挨拶があった。元倉氏は、「大きく時代が変わる今、全国的ブランドに成長した代官山ブランドについて改めて考える」ことの必要性を強調。また伴氏は、代官山のブランドの今後を考える際に、「我々が代官山に何を期待するかではなく、代官山に対して何をなすべきか」が重要であることを指摘した。
2) さらに湊元良明東京商工会議所渋谷支部事務局長より、「東京都シナジースキーム事業」の一環としての「代官山”ブランド”パワーアップ事業」が開始されたことについての報告があり、この3年計画の事業に関する詳細な説明があった。そこでの重要なポイントは、代官山における個々のビジネスのパワーアップとともに代官山の地域全体のブランドパワーの強化を地域住民と連携して進めていくことで、そのために「代官山スタイル研究会」を発足させ、委員長は岩橋謹次代官山ステキ総研理事長にお願いしたとのことであった。
3) それに引き続き、西樹シブヤ経済新聞編集長による「広域渋谷圏の変貌と代官山のポジショニング」というテーマで基調講演があった。講演では、代官山のこれまでのセミナーやフォーラムでは聞くことのできなかった広域渋谷圏(原宿、表参道、青山、恵比寿、中目黒等)のビジネス動向とブランド展開について具体的な説明があり、その上で代官山ブランドのポジショニングの特徴として、「大人、高級感、おしゃれ、落ち着く」という純粋なイメージがぶれることなく確立しており、固定客を中心として全国的にゆるぎなく認知されていることが指摘された。ただし、今後の周辺地域との競争を考えた場合、代官山ブランドを構成する主要な「要素」をより具体的に推進すべきことも示唆された。
4) その後の休憩時間には、ピアニスト工藤勇人氏が作曲した代官山をテーマとする美しい楽曲を、芸大の学生弦楽グループが見事に演奏し、参加者の気持ちを和ませた。
5) 最後に座談会「代官山ブランドを巡って」があり、野口浩平氏の司会で、岩橋謹次氏による地域ブランドの定義と代官山ブランドについての問題提起の後、井原広之氏(Florist IGUSA取締役)、林茂氏(Eataly Japan社長)、野呂芳明氏(春花祭運営委員長)、吉田寛氏(コンビミニ店長)によるパネルディスカッションがあった。ここでは、代官山が生活の質を高めるようなスタイルを演じる舞台としての役割を演じていること、また住民や客の層が若いころから代官山ブランドを好み、時代を経て家庭を持っても子供やペットとともに固定客として戻ってきているという特徴が指摘され、今後のビジネスの展開や連携に役立てようという意気込みが感じられた。
6) まとめとして、座談会司会の野口氏と総合司会の元倉氏が、代官山ブランドについて「生活の質の向上」を始めいくつかのキーワードを指摘するとともに、過去の2回のフォーラムで議論された代官山をめぐる地理や歴史やこれまでの住民の努力を考慮しつつ総合的に代官山ブランドのあり方を考えることの重要性が強調され、フォーラムは閉幕となった。

Forum Daikanyama III - Reexaming Daikanyama Brand: Summary
1) As a main event of GWD (GreenWeekDaikanyama: May 2-6, 2009), Forum Daikanyama III was held on May 2(Sat), 6:00-8:30pm, co-sponsored by Forum Daikanyama III Committee, Tokyo Chamber of Commerce & Industry-Shibuya Branch, Daikanyama Suteki Research Institute, Daikanyama Suteki Community Development Council and Daikanyama Business Network. As forum coordinator, Mr. Makoto Motokura opened the forum by mentioning the necessity of reexamining the "Daikanyama brand" under today's rapidly changing environment. And Mr. Fumiyasu Ban, GWD Committee chairman, pointed out that for the future of the Daikanyama brand, it is important to ask "not what we can expect from Daikanyama, but what we can contribute to Daikanyama."
2) Then, Mr Yoshiaki Tsumoto (Tokyo CCI-Shibuya branch management director) reported that the "Daikanyama Brand Power-Up Project" has been launched as part of the "Tokyo-to Synergy Scheme Program" with detailed explanations about this 3-year project. An important point about this project is not only to help individual businesses strengthen their powers but also to facilitate the brand power of the Daikanyama area as a whole by connecting businesses to residents within the area. For this purpose, the "Daikanyama Style Research Committee" was initiated with Mr. Kinji Iwahashi as the committee chairman, according to Mr. Tsumoto.
3) The keynote speech on "Changing Greater Shibuya Region and Daikanyama's Positioning" was given by Mr. Tateki Nishi, Editor of Shibuya Keizai Shimbun, where it was pointed out that such communities as Harajuku, Omotesando, Aoyama, Ebisu, Nakameguro, etc. in the greater Shibuya region have undergone major changes in their business characters and branding for the last few decades. In that context, the main characteristics of the Daikanyama's brand image have remained to be "grown-up, high-grade, cool, seasoned, etc.," supported by royal repeaters nationwide. In view of future competition with neighboring communities, however, it may be advisable for Daikanyama to identify and emphaize key elements comprising its brand image in a more concrete fashion.
4) During the intermission, a student string group performed the music composed by Mr. Hayato Kudo, pianist, who was inspired by the beauty of Daikanyama, and the relaxing music pleased the audience very much.
5) Then, a panel discussion regarding the Daikanyama brand took place with Mr. Kohei Noguchi as moderator and Mr. Kinji Iwahashi who presented several definitions of regional brands and his analysis of the Dankanyama brand to start the discussion among the panelists, Mr. Hiroyuki Ihara (Director, Florist IGUSA), Mr. Shigeru Hayashi (President, Eataly Japan), Mr. Yoshiaki Noro (GWD Executive Committee Chairman) , Mr. Hiroshi Yoshida (Head, Combimini Daikanyama). Several key points emerged from their discussion such as the fact that Daikanyama provides a stage where residents and visitors can play their life style for a higher quality of living, and also that they have been so royal to the Daikanyama brand since their youth that they repeatedly visit Daikanyama now with their children and pets, likely leading to new opportunities for a network of related businesses in Daikanyama.
6) In summary, both Mr. Noguchi, discussion moderator, and Mr. Motokura, forum coordinator, pointed out several key concepts such as "a higher quality of life" for residents and visitors, and emphasized the importance of reexamining the Daikanyama brand comprehensively by referring to the analysis of geography, history as well as residents' past efforts regarding the Daikanyama brand. which was taken up in the first and second forum Daikanyama (see the links below).
Forum Daikanyama I (10/12/2008):
Forum Daikanyama II (4/30/2008):
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代官山ステキサロン第5回:Daikanyama Suteki Salon 5th Meeting [イベント情報]

「代官山ステキサロン」:Daikanyama Suteki Salon
第5回会合(2009/03/18):5th Meeting (March 18, 2009)
於ヒルサイドバンケット(C棟地階):@Hillside Banquet (Hillside Terrace C)
“Investment Funds and Crises of International Finance & Local Communities"
Takahiro Miyao (Professor, International University of Japan)

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参加者の間での自由討論:Free Discussion Among Participants
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“Investment Funds and Crises of International Finance & Local Communities"
At the 5th meeting of the Daikanyama Suteki Salon, Mr. Miyao, Professor of the International University of Japan, gave a talk on "Investment Funds and Crises of International Finance & Local Communities," where he made the following points:

(1) Of all the possible factors that caused the current financial crisis, probably the most important is the excessive leverage (borrowing) behavior of US investment banks and various funds that lead to the financial bubble in the global economy.
(2) Investment banks supported various investment funds such as hedge funds, and themselves became a kind of funds trading as principal investors on their own accounts, that caused the building and bursting of the subprime loan bubble, resulting in the extinction of the investment banking sector and the shrinkage of fund business in general.
(3) The real estate market in Japan as well as in the world expanded rapidly until 2007 by the aggressive behavior of investment banks and real estate investment funds, that made real estate a kind of financial asset to be managed on the cash flow basis, leading to the securitization and globalization of real estate.
(4) Due to the bursting of the bubble, the real estate industry as well as local communities are facing a severe crisis situation with rapidly shrinking real estate markets, where local communities are forced to adopt a kind of "survival strategy," which includes the establishment of their own local brands and local businesses with the use of local currencies such as "eco-money" and the building of human networks on the global basis, if possible.

After the presentation, various opinions and comments were exchanged among the participants in the free discussion session. Naturally, the focal point of the discussion was on how the Daikanyama community can survive for now and prosper in the future by adopting its own strategy based on the tradition and design of the community symbol, namely, Hillside Terrace.
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第2回フォーラム代官山:Forum Daikanyama II [イベント情報]

第2回フォーラム代官山:Forum Daikanyama II

ヒルサイド・プラザホールにて:10/12/08@Hillside Plaza Hall
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Forum Daikanyama II: Summary
First of all, an opening address was given by Mr. Makoto Motokura, chief coordinator for Forum Daikanyama II, jointly sponsored by Daikanyama Suteki Research Institute and Daikanyama Suteki Community Council.
In Part 1 (moderated by Mr. Kinji Iwahashi) on "Daikanyama from the standpoint of West Shibuya Hill," Mr. Toru Watanabe (Architect, JIA Shibuya) explained about the development of Daikanyama in both geographical and historical perspectives. Then, Mr. Hiroshi Kobayashi (Associate Professor, Keio University), advisor for the Ginza community, proposed a closer relationship between Daikanyama and neighboring Naka-Meguro, and Mr. Yuki Sato (Business Manager) told the audience his story about the Daikanyama area, his home town. In conclusion, Mr. Iwahashi, moderator, presented his vision for the "Green Crossing in the Daikanyama Region."
In Part 2 (moderated by Mr. Sadaharu Ishihara) on "Ecological Map of Daikanyama," the head of Daikanyama Suteki Community Council delivered a brief speech to be followed by Mr. Masuteru Aoba, well-known art director, made a presentation on "Ecology and Scenery of Daikanyama." In his presentation, Mr. Aoba emphasized the importance of maintaining the Daikanyama-like green environment by showing the pictures that he took himself in and around Daikanyama.
In the Q&A session, a lively discussion took place, especially about how to maintain and create a desirable environment in the community.

代官山ステキサロン第4回:Daikanyama Suteki Salon 4th Meeting [イベント情報]

「代官山ステキサロン」:Daikanyama Suteki Salon
第4回会合(2008/08/04):4th Meeting
於ヒルサイドテラスE棟ロビー:@Lobby of Hillside Terrace E
Topic: “Disposition: Application in Town Development"
Speaker: Tami Yanagisawa (Lecturer, Nanzan University)
Tami Yanagisawa ed., “Disposition View of the World”
「ファーレ立川」:Faret Tachikawa:

Disposition: For Our Better Living
At the Daikanyama Suteki Salon, this is the first time a lecturer was invited from outside, not just from outside of the Suteki Research Institute members, but also from outside of the urban development field. Ms. Tami Yanagiwasa, researcher in philosophy and lecturer at Nanzan University, made a presentation on “disposition,” based on her recently edited book “Disposition View of the World” (see the References). The following is a summary of her presentation.
Disposition literally means placing or arrangement, and also implies tendency, inclination, power, temper or character that results from a particular arrangement. The world is nothing but disposition in this sense, and human beings are constantly disposed (regulated) by the disposition surrounding themselves, where internal power, temper, tendency, etc. are being organized and reorganized into various disciplines such as politics, ethics, economics, technology and arts through actions in human life. Disposition is this kind of “bottom-up” view of the world, whereas composition is a “top-down” view that we often take by imposing our own values or norms in grasping the real world.
By subscribing to the disposition view, we would accept the real world as a continuum of possibilities of disposition evolving from certain initial conditions, not as a snapshot with no history or background. We should also seek a kind of reorganization or repositioning that could expand possibilities without ignoring existing possibilities of disposition, leading to a “better” way of living (“Faret Tachikawa” is one of those examples, for which see the Reference). The disposition view will help us redefine our values to seek the possibility of a better life based on numerous facts and concepts that fit the real world, according to Ms. Yanagisawa.
It seems that this disposition approach might well provide a methodological ground for creation of new communities to develop desirable cities like Daikanyama, as Prof. Noro suggested at the previous Suteki Salon meeting (see:
In the free discussion session, a number of important questions were raised such as “does our view on Daikanyama as a ‘good’ place result from the disposition approach or the composition approach?” and “is the disposition view enough to provide an effective framework or mechanism for community redevelopment, especially in the aftermath of some natural disaster like an earthquake?” A heated discussion continued for a couple of hours, close to midnight.

参加者との自由討論:Free Discussion with Participants
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「GreenWeek代官山」イベント:"GreenWeek Daikanyama" Event [イベント情報]

「GreenWeek 代官山 春花祭」イベント:"GreenWeek Daikanyama" Event
「フォーラム代官山・温故知新」:"Forum: Learning New from Old”
於ヒルサイドプラザ(2008年4月30日):@Hillside Plaza (4/30/2008)

Moderator Mr. Makoto Motokura and Mr. Fumiyasu Ban's Opening Address
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「フォーラム代官山・温故知新」:"Forum: Learning New from Old”
Part 1: "Opening of Metro Line 13 and Shibuya, Daikanyama & Nakameguro"
Mr. Sadaharu Ishihara on Daikanyama and Mr. Yoshiaki Noro on GreenWeek
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Part 2: "Reflecting on Mita Channel"
Mr. Yutaka Yonemoto's Presentation & Participants' Comments (Mr. Asakura and others who shared their personal recollections of Mita Channel)
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Mr. Kinji Iwahashi on Mita Channel and Green Cultural Crossing Plan
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Part 3: "Daikanyama Free Talks: Learning New from Old"
Mr. Kohei Noguchi as Coordinator and Free Discussion with Participants
(What is Daikanyama's identity or brand and how to build it based on history)
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「GreenWeek 代官山 春花祭:GWD 2008」(代官山ホームページ):;tid=detail;print=1;

代官山リニューアルオープン・イベント:Daikanyama Renewal Event [イベント情報]

代官山リニューアルオープン・イベント:Daikanyama Renewal Event
シンポ「代官山のこれからを考える」:Symposium “Daikanyama’s Future”
於ヒルサイドプラザ(2008年4月4日):@Hillside Plaza (4/4/2008)







懇親会の様子@ヒルサイドフォーラム:Networking Party@Hillside Forum

Symposium "Daikanyama's Future" @ Hillside Plaza Hall

On April 4, there was a symposium on "Daikanyama's Future" held at Hillside Plaza Hall as the first of the series of renewal opening events for Hillside Terrace.
First, Mr. Fram Kitagawa (Chairman, Art Front Gallery) referred to some desirable aspects of Daikanyama’s community development in the past, and emphasized the importance of sharing the sense of an "urban village," and having a community library for cultural archive purposes. In fact, by Mr. Kitagawa’s initiative, the Daikanyama Library is just opening up in Hillside Forum.

Then, two community leaders from Tokyo’s better neighborhoods, along with Daikanyama, made interesting presentations about their approaches to community development. Mr. Hiroshi Terada explained how the Kagurazaka district in Shinjuku Ward has been maintaining its tradition of “smartness” and “niceness” in the minds of residents, whereas Ms. Akiko Shiihara mentioned her efforts to preserve and utilize old “machiya” houses in the Yanaka district in Taito Ward, where young artists are actively participating in such community preservation efforts.

Regarding Daikanyama’s community development, Mr. Sadaharu Ishihara (Executive Director, Daikanyama Association of Suteki-na Machizukuri) pointed out the historical impacts of the development of Hillside Terrance on the predominantly residential community of Daikanyama, and the recent collaboration of residents and professionals in dealing with difficult issues facing this community. In this context, Mr. Fumihiko Maki, world renowned architect, representing the professional community of Daikanyama, expressed his view by picking a key word, “nichijosei” (that is, “usualness” or “naturalness”), which means respect for local nature and native culture, and warned that it is a serious challenge to nice communities like Daikanyama how to keep its “nichijosei” from being washed away under the pressure of globalization.

Then some comments were presented by four local members from the Daikanayma side. Mr. Toshitake Kuwabara, mayor of Shibuya Ward, said he would like to make use of the Old Asakura Residence in Daikanyama for community purposes; Rikkyo University Professor Yoshiaki Noro, as a “new community resident,” emphasized the meaning of his hearings from old residents about local traditions and historical events; and Mr. Tohoku Motokura, architect in Daikanyama and professor at the Tohoku University of Art and Design, pointed out the similarity between urban communities like Daikanyama and regional villages in terms of hollowing-out of residents.

The first half of the symposium was concluded by Mr. Kengo Asakura, director of Asakura Real Estate, who said that there was no choice other than mixing business and residence in community development, due to the predominantly residential nature of Daikanyama, and in the process it has been fortunate to have Mr. Maki and other key persons help develop a nice community.
In the second half, there were interesting and lively discussions among the panelists involving the audience. After the symposium, a networking party was held in Hillside Forum, where the newly opened library is located.

Daikanyama Library:
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